Bibliography  -  volumes and publications

Lacroix, Laurier Oser sa voix : La galerie Roger Bellemare 1971-2021, Presses de l'Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, 2022
Micala, Sidore The Art Is The Cloth: How to Look at and Understand Tapestries, Schiffer, Atgen, PA, USA 2020
Eberhard Cotton, Giselle
Junet, Magali
From Tapestry to Fiber Art : The Lausanne Biennals 1962-1995, Skira & Fondation Toms Pauli, Milan, 2017
Hénault, Gilles
Arbour, Rose-Marie & Gosselin
Regards sur l'art d'avant garde, Les éditions Sémaphore, Montreal, 2016
Bourassa, Paul
(Under the direction of)
Decoratives Arts and Design in Quebec, Collection Guide, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec City, 2016
Pepall, Rosalind &
Charbonneau, Diane
(Under the direction of)
Decorative Arts and Design : The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts' Collection, Volume II, The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, 2012
Soroka, Joanne Tapestry Weaving - Design and Technique, The Crowood Press, Ramsbury, Marlborough, UK, 2011
Essays by Alan Elder,
Sandra Alfory, PhD,
JR Carpenter,
Lisa Vinebaum
Art Textiles of the World - Canada, Telos Art Publishing, Brighton, England, 2009
Avant-propos : Matthew Koumis, Editor
András, Edit Contemporary Hungarian Tapestry Art in an International Context dans Tapestry Art in Hungary, Vince Books and The Association of the Hungarian Tapestry Artists, Budapest, 2005
Lacasse, Yves & Porter, John The Collection of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec : A History of Art in Quebec, Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Quebec, 2004
Dumont, Jean Collection Loto-Québec, Œuvres choisies, Henri Rivard Éditeur, Montreal, 1999
Jefferies, Janis selvedges - Janis Jefferies: writings and artworks since 1980, edited by Victoria Mitchell, Norwich Gallery, Norfolk, UK, 2000
CHRC The mind’s eye: Careers in Visual Arts and Crafts, Cultural Human Resources Council, Ottawa, Ontario, 1999
Batchelder, Ann
Orban, Nancy
Fiber Arts Design Book Five, Lark Books, Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A., 1995
Phillips, Barty Tapestry, Phaidon Press Limited, London, England, 1994
Chouinard, Marielle,
Gaudreau, Jocelyne
Code d'éthique des artistes en arts textiles, Conseil des arts textiles du Québec, Montreal 1994
Harvey, Nancy Tapestry Weaving - A Comprehensive Study Guide, Publisher Interweave Press, Colorado, 1991
Orban, Nancy The Fiberarts Design Book Four, Lark Books, Asheville, North Carolina, 1991
Cantin, Claudette Empreintes 2, Arts plastiques 2ème secondaire, Centre éducatif et culturel Inc., Montreal, 1990
Mathiews, Kate The Fiberarts Design Book Three, Lark Books, Asheville, North Carolina, 1987
Thomas, Michel, Mainguy,
Christine, Pommier, Sophie
Histoire d'un art - l'art textile, Éditions d'art Albert Skira S.A., Geneva, 1985
English translation: Rizzoli International Publications Inc.,  New York, 1985
Boulizon, Guy L'Artisanat créateur au Québec, Agence de coopération culturelle et technique, Edition Hurtubise HMH Ltee, Montreal, 1985
  The Fiberarts Design Book II, Lark Books, Asheville, North Carolina, 1983
Robert, Guy Art actuel au Québec depuis 1970, Iconia, Montreal, 1983
Bernatchez, Michèle,
Harvey-Perrier, Ginette
La Tapisserie, La Documentation Québécoise, Éditeur officiel du Québec, Quebec City 1977
Simard, Cyril Artisanat Québécois: Le bois et les textiles, Les Editions de l'Homme, Montreal 1975
Robert, Guy L'Art au Québec depuis 1940, Les Éditions La Presse, Montreal 1973
Burdett, Bob Canadian Artists in Exhibition/Artistes Canadiens : Expositions 1972-73,
The Roundstone Council for the Arts & Canadian Art Publications, Toronto 1974


Bibliography - monographs

2015  Men and the Loom, Jon Eric Riis - Marcel Marois
Galerie Chevalier, Paris
Essay: Amélie-Margot Chevalier, Nicole Malenfant, Tal Landeau
2013  Marcel Marois : tracer les frontières,
Published by SEQUENCE, Contemporary Art Centre, Chicoutimi, Qc.
Essay: Geneviève Goyer-Ouimette
2006 Marcel Marois – Les fils du temps,
Published by MATERIAcentre de diffusion en métiers d’art, Quebec City, Qc.
Essay: Mona Hakim, Curator, and Preface by John R. Porter
1999 close ties - Kay Lawrence and Marcel Marois,
Published by the University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane, Australia,
Essay: Ruth McDougall, Janis Jefferies, Diana Wood Conroy, Lawrence Knowles
1994 Marcel Marois,
Published by Expression centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
Essay: Michel Groleau, Janis Jefferies and Michel Thomas-Penette


Bibliography  -  catalogues of exhibitions

2024  Depuis 1993 La Maison Longue
Published by Maison des Métiers d’art de Québec et la Maison Longue Inc., Quebec
Texte : Nicole Malenfant, Danielle April, Marie-Soleil Guérin Girard et Thierry Plante-Dubé
2017  Gender Bend : women in wood men at the loom
Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA, U.S.A.
Texte : Michael McMillan, Jon Eric Riis, Tib Shaw, curators
2012  Ori Rhythm II : international Tapestry Exhibition
Kyoto international Contemporary Textile Art Center
Introduction: Keiko Kawashima, Curator
2012 Le Paradoxe du rapprochement : 50 artiste pour 50 ans
Centre national d'exposition, Jonquière, Qc.
Essay: Alayn Ouellet, curator
2008 Objets de culture de la Nouvelle-France à Aujourd’hui
Centre Materia, Quebec City, Qc.
Essay: Sylvie Royer, curator
2007 In the Making : Contemporary Canadian Tapestries : Recent works by Jane Kidd, Barbara Heller, Sondra Macleod, Line Dufour, Marcel Marois
Burlington Art Centre, Burlington, Ontario
Essay: Bettina Matzkuhn
2004 11th International Triennale of Tapestry Lódz 2004
Central Museum of Textiles, Lódz, Poland 
Introduction: Norbert Zawisza et Irena Huml
2004 By Hand in the Electronic Age : Contemporary Tapestries
The Textile Museum, Washington, DC, U.S.A.
Essay: Rebecca A. T. Stevens, Consulting Curator, Contemporary Textiles
2004 Art textile international, Lausanne 1960-1990, Œuvres choisies de la Fondation Toms Pauli
Musée de l’Hospice Saint-Roch, Issoudun, France
Essay: Anic Zanzi, Conservatrice-adjointe
2003 manif d'art - manifestation internationale d'art de Québec, première édition
Centre L'Oeil de Poisson, Quebec City
Essay: Andrée Daigle, curator and Jeanne Randolph
2002 American Tapestry Biennial 4 ( CD Rom )
American Tapestry Alliance, USA
Introductory statement: Bettina Matzkuhn
2001 Kárpit - Tapestry, International Millennial Contemporary Exhibition
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Essay: Ildikó Dobrányi, Edit András, Caroline Boot, Ildikó Kontsek, Rebecca A.T. Stevens,
Tibor Wehner, Sharon Marcus, Noël Pasquier
2000 Arts 2000, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
Essay: Ernest Annau, Robert L.M. Windrum, Paul K. Bates, Mayo Graham
1998 9th International Triennale of Tapestry Lódz 1998
Published by the Central Museum of Textiles, Lódz, Poland 
Introduction: Norbert Zawisza et Irena Huml
1998 Harmony: Interpretations of Nature in Contemporary Tapestry
American Tapestry Alliance, U.S.A.
Essay: Sharon Marcus
1998 Revelation: textile artists addressing issues
The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan
Foreword and Essay : Pennina Barnett, Jennifer Harris, Lesley Millar
1998 Kaléidoscope, An Exhibition by Quebec Members of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts, Toronto, Ont., Canada
1995 Textiles Sismographes : Symposium fibres et textiles 1995,
Published by Le Conseil des arts textiles du Québec, Montreal, 1995
Introduction: Yolande Dupuis et Lise Nantel
1995 Québec Ateliers Ouverts 95, Quebec City, Quebec
introduction : Céline Allard
1994 Atmosphere of Memory - Atmosphère de la mémoire, Quebec City, Quebec
Essay:Janis Jefferies
1994 Making a Place for Tapestry- Symposium 1993
British Columbia Society of Tapestry Artists and The Canadian Craft Museum, Vancouver, BC, Canada
1994 Tapestry / Visions, Convergence 94, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Essay: Marcel Marois and Nicole Malenfant
1993 2nd «In Our Hands» - An International Competition
published by «In Our Hands» - An International Competition, Nagoya, Japan
1993 Fiber Texture 93, Handweaver Guild of Boulder and the Boulder Art Center, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.
Introduction: Renie Breskin Adams
1993 Exil & Engagement, Musée Marius Barbeau, Saint-Joseph de Beauce, Quebec
Introduction : Johanne Lessard and Luc Guillemette
1992 West Art & the Law, West Publishing Company, Eagan, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Introduction: Gerard L. Cafesjian
1992 Art contemporain du Canada, Ader Tajan Commissaire-priseur associés, Paris, France
1992 Québec Ateliers Ouverts 1992: Répertoire des artistes, Quebec City, Quebec
Introduction: Céline Allard
1990 Un nouvel espace pictural dans l'art textile / Pictorial Space : New Textile Images,
(Marna Goldstein Brauner, Nancy Edell, Marcel Marois), The Museum for Textiles, Toronto, Ontario
Essay: Susan Warner Keene
1990 Première Triennale internationale de Tournai
Fondation de la Tapisserie, des Arts du Tissu et des Arts muraux de la Communauté française de Belgique, Tournai, Belgium
Essay: Louis Hains et Louise Letocha
1990 Québec Ateliers Ouverts'90, Quebec City, Quebec
Introduction: Odette Théberge
1990 Sixième Biennale de tapisserie contemporaine de Montréal
Société québécoise de la tapisserie contemporaine, Montreal, Quebec
Essay: Louise Letocha, Léo Rosshandler and Warren Seelig
1989 Tapestry: The Narrative Voice, the Center for Tapestry Art, New York, U.S.A.
Introduction: Dr. Alice Zrebiec, Archie Brennan, Janis Jefferies et Michel Thomas
1989 Tapestry now, LuckenBach Mill Gallery, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Essay: Peggy Whitney Hobbs
1989 Passages - 1969-1989, Protée, Spécial 20 ans, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Quebec
Essay: Guy Bellavance, pp. 44-52
1988 Cinquième Biennale de tapisserie contemporaine de Montréal
Société Québécoise de la Tapisserie contemporaine, Montreal, Quebec
Essay: Helen Duffy, Diana de Rham and Mariette Rousseau-Vermette
1988 World Tapestry Today, American Tapestry Alliance, Oregon, U.S.A.
Essay: Michel Thomas, Jim Brown, Archie Brennan, Cresside Collette, Valerie Clausen and Dirk Holger
1988 6th International Triennale of Tapestry, Lodz '88.
Published by the Central Museum of Textiles, The Polish Artists Union, Lódz, Poland
Introduction: Irena Huml
1987 13ième Biennale internationale de la tapisserie, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts,
Centre International de la Tapisserie Ancienne et Moderne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction: Erika Billeter and Diana de Rham
1986 Quatrième Biennale de tapisserie contemporaine de Montréal
Société Québécoise de la Tapisserie Contemporaine, Montreal
Essay: Mariette Rousseau-Vermette, John Vollmer, Sandra Grotta and Michel Thomas
1986 Tapestry : Contemporary Imagery / Ancient Tradition - United States, Canada, United Kingdom
Published by the Cheney Cowles Memorial Museum, Spokane, Washington, U.S.A.
Introduction: Jean-Pierre Larochette, Ann Newdigate Mills and Maureen Hodge
1986 Here and Now: Canadian Fibre Art., The Gallery & Library,
The Cambridge Public Library, Cambridge, Ontario
Introduction: Helen Duffy
1986 Panorama of Tapestry, First Canadian - U.S. Tapestry exhibition
American Tapestry Alliance, Chiloquin, Oregon, U.S.A.
Introduction: Jim Brown
1985 Art Quest '85
University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, California, U.S.A.
Introduction: Jonette Slabey
1985 Marcel Marois : tapisseries, Quebec City, Quebec
Essay: Gilles Hénault
1984 Troisième Biennale de tapisserie de Montréal
Biennale de la nouvelle tapisserie québécoise inc., Montreal, Quebec
Introduction: Lucien Desmarais
1982 Canada Mikrokosma, An Exhibition of Contemporary Canadian Tapestries
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University , Kingston, Ontario
Essay: Helen Duffy and Mariette Rousseau-Vermette
1981 4th Textile Triennale Fiber Artists and Designers Lodz '81
Published by The Central Museum of Textiles, The Polish Artists Union, Lodz, Poland
Introduction: Irena Huml
1981 10e Biennale internationale de la tapisserie, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts,
Centre International de la Tapisserie Ancienne et Moderne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Introduction: René Berger
1981 Deuxième Biennale de tapisserie de Montréal, Miniature
Published by La Biennale de la Nouvelle Tapisserie Québécoise Inc., Montreal, Quebec
Introductions : Léo Rosshandler, Jean-Michel Tuchscherer, Lucien Desmarais
1981 Fire and Fibres, Quebec ceramists and weavers
Published by Lavalin Inc., Montreal, Quebec
Introduction: Léo Rosshandler
1979 Métiers d'Art /3, Published by the Canadian Cultural Center, Paris, France
Introduction: Mariette Rousseau-Vermette
1978 Young Contemporaries: Jeunes Contemporains '78
Published by the London Regional Art Gallery, London, Ontario
Introduction: Paddy O'Brien, Lynn Barbeau, fleur Tipton
1974 Les Graveurs du Québec, Published by the Association des graveurs du Québec, Édition Formart, Montreal, Quebec
Introduction: Monique Charbonneau, Essay: Claude Haeffeley


Bibliography - articles :  Art magazines  (selection)

Dios, Lala A Canadian Textile Tour, Atemorbida (Textile Arts Magazine), July 2023-n.12, Rome, Italia
Kowolik, Leopold Portfolio - Saidye Bronfman Award 40th anniversary, Studio, (Toronto, Canada), vol. 12 - Spring/summer 2017, p.54
Mouillefarine, Laurence Le marché de l'art AD - À ne pas manquer ce mois-ci... Tapisserie Revival, Architectural Digest. Architecture, Décoration, Arts, Design, (Paris, France), No. 130 Juin - juillet 2015, p.92
Chauvin, Françoise Carré Rive Gauche - le carré sort de sa chrysalide, Connaissance des arts, (Paris, France), juin 2015, p.105
Pivot, Cécile et Guéné, Virginie Découvrir - New - Manifestation, Maison française magazine, (Paris, France), No. 13, juin 2015, p.24
Rogier, Anne À Paris - Le pré carré des arts, Point de vue, (Paris, France), No. 3488, 27 Mai au 2 juin 2015, p.48
Rouge, Françoise Carré Rive Gauche 2015, Le temps des «Métamorphoses», L'estampille/L'objet d'art, (Dijon, France), No. 512, Mai 2015, pp.74 - 76
  Preview - Tapestry Exhibition in Kyoto, Textileforum, (Hannover, Allemagne), 2/2012 June, p.14
Bourassa, Paul La dialectique de l'ordre et du chaos, Protée, revue internationale de théorie et de pratiques sémiotiques, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, (Qc. Canada), volume 38 numéro 3, hiver 2010-2011 pp. 65 à 70
Sanders, Beverly Zoom - Books: O Canada!, American Craft (New York, U.S.A.) Oct./ Nov. 2009, Vol. 69, No. 5, p. 26
Cronenberg, Thomas Reports: Tapestry Conference in Paris, Textilforum ( Hannover, Germany) 2/2009 June, p. 8
Laue, Dietmar Reports: Textile Art in Canada, Textilforum ( Hannover, Germany) 2/2009 June, p. 11
Sterk, Beatrijs Books : Art Textiles of the World: Canada, Textilforum ( Hannover, Germany) 2/2009 June, p. 44
Royer, Sylvie Materia : Points de vue sur l'art textile, Vie des Arts, ( Montreal, Qc. Canada)
No. 214 Vol. LIII, Printemps 2009, p. 80
Guimond, Nathalie État des lieux: L'art textile au Canada, Vie des Arts, ( Montreal, Qc. Canada)
No. 214 Vol. LIII, Printemps 2009, p. 73
Westfall, Carol D. Marcel Marois : Meditations, Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, , Published by the Handweavers Guild of America, Volume XXXVIII No. 3 Issue 151 Summer 2007, pp. 32-37 + cover
Rees, Linda Invited Artist Profile : Marcel Marois, Tapestry Topics, Newsletter of the American Tapestry Alliance, Vol 33 No 2 Summer 2007, p. 5-6
Stevens, Rebecca A.T. By Hand in the Elestronic Age, International Tapestry Yearbook, Published by The Victorian Tapestry Workshop, and the Faculty of Art and Design, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2004, Vol. 1, pp.62-69
Fraser, Lydia and Stevens, Rebecca A.T. Tapestry – Yesterday and Today, Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, Published by the Handweavers Guild of America, Volume XXXV No. 2 Issue 138 Spring 2004, p. 35, 39
Knowles, Larry By Hand in the Electronic Age : Contemporary Tapestry, Fiberarts,
(Escondido, CA., U.S.A.), Sept/Oct 2004, Vol. 31 No.2, pp. 58-59
O’Neil, Jean Introspection et brins de laine, L’Abaque, (Quebec, Qc), Oct 2004, Vol.6, no. 2, pp. 4-5
Ming-Whe Liou Series of Contemporary Tapestry Artists/ Canadian Environmental Weaver : Marcel Marois
Artists, (Taipei, Taiwan.), Feb. 2004, pp. 502-503-504-505-506-507
Marcus, Sharon Tapestry and Meaning, International Tapestry Journal, (Melbourn, Australia.), Sept. 2003. Vol. 6, n° 2, pp. 16-21
Ferring Shepley, Carol Innovations in Textile Art IV, Fiberarts, (Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A.), vol. 28, n° 3, Nov./Dec. 2001, pp. 56-57
Sterk, Beatrijs Kárpit - Tapestry, Textile Forum, (Hannover, Germany) 3/2001 August Copy, p.23
Prim-Chorney, Lilya Jumelage créatif - Marois2, Journal , a publication of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts (Toronto, Ont., Canada) Vol. 4, no. 2, Fall/Winter 1999/2000, pp. 10-11
Jefferies, Janis Close Ties/Loose Threads - Tapestries of Kay Lawrence and Marcel Marois,
International Tapestry Journal (Glenside, Australia) Vol.2, No.1, Juin 1999, pp.20-22
McCracken, Gillian Close Ties, Eyeline, (Sydney, Australia) Vol. 40, Printemps 1999, pp. 34-36
Daw, Robin An Aberrant Urge, Eyeline, (Sydney, Australia) Vol. 40, Printemps 1999, pp. 33-33
Lesser, Gloria Marcel Marois, Bronfman Award Winner - Weaving Photo-Journalism into Tapestry,
Bulletin, Canadian Society of Decorative Arts, (Toronto, Ont. Canada)
Vol. 17, nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring 1999, pp. 4-5
Marois, Marcel Marcel Marois / Vermeer, Art Le Sabord, (Trois-Rivières, Qc., Canada), n° 52, 1999, p.30-31
Marois, Marcel close ties, Kay Lawrence & Marcel Marois, Textile Fibre Forum, (The Gap, Australia), Vol 18, issue 1, n° 54, 1999, p.32
Marois, Marcel Craft World, People & Places, American Craft, (New York, U.S.A.), Dec. 98/ Jan. 99, p. 16
Marois, Marcel Nouvelles brèves - Prix Saidye Bronfman, Vie des arts, (Montreal, Quebec), vol. XLII, n°173, Hiver 1998-1999 p. 14
Roy, Antoinette Prix Saidye Bronfman à l'artiste lissier Marcel Marois, Bulletin de l'Association des tisserands du Québec, (Ile Perrot, Qc, Canada) Vol. XVIII, no. 3, Winter 1998/99, p. 17
Warner Keene, Susan Marcel Marois - A question of time, Ontario Craft, (Toronto, Ont. Canada),
Winter 1998, p.4-7 ( and portrait on the cover)
Knowles, Lawrence M. Marcel Marois and the Reinvention of Tapestry, International Tapestry Journal,
(Glenside, South Australia.), Dec. 1998. Vol. 1, n° 3, pp. 16-19
Knowles, Lawrence M. Marcel Marois, The Reinvention of Tapestry, Surface Design Journal,
(Oakland, Ca.,U.S.A.), Winter 1998, Vol. 22, n° 2, pp.39-41, 57-58
(This article has received the 1997 Betty Park Award for critical writing)
Sterk, Beatrijs Tapestry Today, Textilforum 4/98, (Hannover, Germany.), Dec. 1998, p. 18
Sterk, Beatrijs Tapestry Today, International Tapestry Journal, (Glenside, South Australia.), Sept. 1998. Vol. 1, n° 2, p. 15
Marcus, Sharon Convergence 98, International Tapestry Journal, (Glenside, South Australia.), Sept. 1998. Vol. 1, n° 2, p. 25
Marcus, Sharon Sympo-Fibres, Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada, International Tapestry Journal, (Portland, U.S.A.), Spring Issue, 1997. Vol. 3, n° 1, pp. 26-28
Knowles, Lawrence M. Revelation or reiteration, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.), vol. 24, n° 2, Sept./Oct. 1997, p. 60-61
Brink, Renata Textile texts, Artists Newsletter, (Sunderland, England) November 1996, pp. 14-16
Knowles, Lawrence M. All Tangled Up, Planet, The Welsh Internationalist (Aberystwyth, Wales), n° 119, Oct./Nov. 1996, pp. 10-15
Bourassa, Paul Arts décoratifs et design au Musée du Québec: nécessité et liberté, Bulletin, Canadian Society of Decorative Arts, (Toronto, Ont. Canada), Vol.14, nos 1&2, winter/spring 1996, pp. 3-5
Snyder, Denise A Tapestry Workshop with Marcel Marois, International Tapestry Journal, (Portland, U.S.A.), Summer Issue 1995. Vol.1, n° 2, p.35
Hakim, Mona L'éthique d'une discipline, ETC Montréal, (Montreal, Quebec) no.29, 15 février-15 mai 1995, pp.38-40
Stack, Lotus Marcel Marois - "Athmosphere of Memory", International Tapestry Network, (Ankorage, Alaska, U.S.A.) ITNET Journal Fall Issue 1994, vol. 5, n° 3, p. 44
Jefferies, Janis Marcel Marois: Woven Time, International Tapestry Network, (Ankorage, Alaska, U.S.A.), ITNET Journal Fall Issue 1994, vol. 5, n° 3, pp.12-16
Delagrave, Marie Marcel Marois : licier postmoderne, Vie des arts, (Montreal, Quebec), vol. XXXIX, n°156, automne 1994, pp. 38-40
Searle, Karen Marcel Marois, Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, (St. Paul, MN, U.S.A.), vol.XXV, n°.2, Issue 98, Spring 1994, pp. 32-33
Marcel Marois Postmodernism for Tapestry: appropriation from the past, International Tapestry Network, (Ankorage, Alaska, U.S.A.), Summer 1993, vol.4, n°.2, pp. 3-5
Marcel Marois New at the Institute, Arts, The Magazine of the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, (Minneapolis, Mn, U.S.A.), March 1993
Park, Jung hee Marcel Marois, a tapestry artist who describes reality with Gobelin, Art & Crafts, (Seoul, Korea), no 9, September 1992, pp.14-16
Manczak, Aleksandra Textilkunst und Fotographie,Textilforum, (Hannover, Germany), n° 2, Juin 1992, pp. 34-37
Delisle, Esther La tapisserie haute-lisse au Québec, Le Collectionneur, (Île-des-Soeurs, Quebec), vol. XXXIX, n°32, hiver 1991-92, p. 68
Talley, Charles Marcel Marois, artiste et professeur, Surface Design Journal, (Oakland, Ca.,U.S.A.) vol. 15, n° 3, Spring 1991, pp. 5-7
Lucbert Françoise Tapisserie contemporaine; la trame narrative, Vie des Arts, (Montreal, Quebec), vol. XXXV, n° 142, Mars 1991, p.62
Patterson, Pam Reviews: Toronto's Museum of Textiles: Rediscovering the Pictorial, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.) vol. 17, n° 5, March/April 1991, pp. 47-90
Patterson, Pam Every picture tells a story, Ontario Craft, (Toronto, Ontario), Winter 1991, p.6
Patterson, Pam The collected textile: The Museum for Textiles, Toronto, Textile Fibre Forum, (Australia), n° 29, p.30-31
Patterson, Pam Fibre in the 90's, Front, (Vancouver, British Columbia), Nov./Dec. 1990, p. 20-22
Tinkl, Judith Pictorial Space: New Textile Images at the Museum for Textiles, Surfacing, (Toronto, Ontario), vol. 12, n° 3, November 1990, p. 18-89
Jefferies, Janis Reviews: Narrative Voices, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.), Jan./Feb. 1990
Heyden, Sylvia Tapestry - The Narrative Voice, Textilforum, (Hannover, Germany), February/March 1990, p.7
Johnson, Pamela The Narrative Voice, Crafts, (London, England), Nov./Dec.1989
Jefferies, Janis Narrative Voices, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.), vol. 16, n° 4, Jan./Feb. 1990, pp. 51-52
Marois, Marcel Narrative Approach to Tapestry, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.), vol. 16, n° 2, Sept./Oct. 1989, p. 16
Marois, Marcel L'art est-il le produit de l'artiste ou l'artiste le produit de celui qui en parle?, Cahiers des Arts Visuels au Québec, (Montreal, Quebec), n° 40, 1988, p. 20
Seelig, Waren Classic Turn: the 13th Lauzanne Biennial of Tapestry, American Craft, (New York, U.S.A.), October/November 1987, p. 26
Leblond, Jean-Claude La 13e Biennale internationale de la tapisserie, Lausanne, 1987, Vie des Arts, (Montreal, Quebec) vol. XXXII, n° 128, Sept. 1987, Automne, p. 71
Ascain, Françoise Marcel Marois, Greenpeace de la tapisserie, L'ATELIER des Métiers d'art, (Paris, France), n° 102, Octobre 1985, p.16
Hénault, Gilles Marcel Marois, la voix de la navette, Vie des Arts, (Montreal, Quebec) vol. XXVIII, n° 114, Mars/Avril/Mai 1984, p. 53
Russel,Elfleda Imagery and Structures: The Tapestries of Marcel Marois, Fiberarts, (North Carolina, U.S.A.), vol. 8, n° 6, Nov./Dec.1981, p. 57
Simonin, Francine Où en est la tapisserie?Cahiers, (Montreal, Quebec), n° 11, Automne 1981, p. 18
Marois, Marcel Essay published in Protée, Special issue, Spring 1979, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi,( Chicoutimi, Quebec), p.118-119
Bernatchez, Michèle. Tourangeau, Jean La tapisserie à Québec, Vie des Arts, (Montreal, Quebec), vol. XXI, n° 85, Hiver 1976-77, p. 53


Films / Video

Luka, Mary Elizabeth Prix Saidye Bronfman Award - 25th Anniversary Video,
CBC / Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec
November 2001, 14 min. .
Pilsworth, Gregory The 22nd Annual Saidye Bronfman Award for Excellence in the Crafts: Marcel Marois - tapestries,
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec,
1998, 20 min. ( French - English )
Décary, Marie Fibre, produced for the Conseil des Arts textile du Québec (CATQ),Videographe, Montreal, Quebec 1991.
Journey, Laurence,
Armorisson, Carole,
Lamarque, Rebecca
4 portraits québécois: Triennale internationale de Tournai,
Video, Production No Télé, Tournai, Belgium, 1990
Kennedy, Manson Tapestry: the Narrative Voice, Manson Kennedy Productions,
Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. 1989
Ouimet, Gilles Marcel Marois, series L'Art en coulisse, Vidéotron Limitée, Lévis, Quebec 1988
Tovell, Vincent Ties that bind: Fibres, Television series Hand and Eye Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Toronto, Ontario 1983